Thursday, November 14, 2013

November's Feast: Friendsgiving: Preparing for Friendsgiving

The time of feasting has begun! We're starting it all off with this month's feast: Friendsgiving. How excited am I about this series of feasts? Well I'm so excited, in fact, that Husband and I went and searched out an awesome table that can seat at least 8 people. Aww yeah! (Now to find chairs...)

The calendar has been marked and friends have been notified. Exciting! November 29th it is, the day after Actual Thanksgiving and two days after The Celebration of the Birth of Husband (<--this is a very important holiday, by the way). What a busy and fun time!

I've been pinning everything wonderful and relevant I find over at All Tomorrow's (Dinner) Parties and discussing recipes with Husband. Right now we are deciding between traditional or non-traditional for the main dish. We have asked each person or couple to bring either a side dish or a dessert...or both, if they wish! Since we're doing a sort of potluck style feast, the dishes don't necessarily have to go together. It will be fun to see (and eat!) what everyone brings to the table.

I have also been scouring the local thrift shops and flea markets for interesting tableware and decorations. I'll be sure to post what I find so maybe I can help you with ideas for your own Friendsgiving! I'm brainstorming how I would like to set the table (which depends on how many people RSVP of course). Here are our current dishes to choose from for this feast. The white and gold plates have smaller, matching plates, too. What do you think?
Bigger plates on top, smaller plates on bottom
I've also thought about making at least one dessert, just because it's so freaking cute and I might not be able to resist. It's on the Pinterest board, but have you seen this?

How adorable are those? I think they would be perfect for the last feast of fall. My snickerdoodle cookies usually get requested, so I might have to make those, too. Surely no one will complain with multitudes of desserts to choose between!

So what are your favorite color schemes for fall feasts and Thanksgiving-type meals? I would be interested to hear some ideas for color!


  1. I'm flipping over the red and white bird plates!!

  2. Thank you! They were a gift a couple of years ago! We only have salad plates, but I would love to find other matching dishes.
