It was a daaaark and stormy Halloweeeeeeeeeennn.....(but seriously, it is).
Somehow when deciding to post mainly on Thursdays, it escaped me that my first non-intro blog post would be on Halloween. What a funny coincidence! Why, you ask? Because I love Halloween. I will refrain from sharing pictures from my goth youth and early adulthood, but let's just say that for the longest time my car had a bat hanging from the ceiling inside, I have Halloweenish stuff in my house year-round, and it just generally brings me glee for it to be this time of year.
We use this tablecloth year-round. This borscht was extremely delicious.
Bat and elephant rhubarb berry cobbler I made last spring
It doesn't hurt that my birthday is also in October. We have created a new tradition in the last few years: fancy lunch with family, Husband and the little ladies get me an ice cream cake, and then he prepares an amazing bo ssam feast for us and friends.
My cake last year
My birthday cake this year
Love + Jack O'Lanterns on my birthday
Ms. Matilda Behemoth also has a! As a rescue kitty, we don't know her exact birthday, only her approximate age. Since she is a (roly poly) little black cat, the kids decided that Halloween would be a perfect birthday for her!
Happy 3rd birthday, Matilda Behemoth!
We added a few festive decorations to the outside of our house. What do you think?
Miss S doing a little reading under the hanging skeleton garland
Spooky decorations, courtesy of Miss G. Can you find her in this picture?
Of course we had to carve a pumpkin! The kids chose the "epic face".
Pumpkin carving! This is our "epic face" pumpkin.
I'll end with a little something for your listening and viewing pleasure. This is a favorite for me and Husband, "The Ghost of Stephen Foster" by Squirrel Nut Zippers. Enjoy and have a happy Halloween! =^_^=
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